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Software Project Management Training
Choosing the Right Course
Product Descriptions:
Managing Software Projects
Leading Software Projects
Six Sigma Software Project Management
Software Project Management Training

PS&J Software Six Sigma offers a full line of project management training tailored to the needs of software development. Our courses encapsulate 50 years of hands on experience with software project management across multiple application domains including aerospace, industrial automation and controls, financial services, medical instrumentation, telecommunications, and consumer electronics.

All of PS&J Software Six Sigma's courses are about managing real world software development. They are not focused on project management technique. Training that covers only the mechanics and generalities of project management cannot provide the level of depth and understanding that project managers require in order to address the unique issues influencing software development today. Although we provide comprehensive explanations of estimating algorithms, earned value, risk management, and all the traditional topics, our focus is always managing software development. Your managers learn how to dramatically improve the probability of bringing their software projects to a successful conclusion.

Managing a software development program differs from managing many other efforts because the product is essentially intangible until it reaches system integration and test. Managers often rely on the word of their developers or team leads in order to track progress. Frequently, they are given an overly optimistic assessment of program progress, only to be surprised by reality at a future date. Often, this leads to a situation where the project is 90% complete with no real end in sight.

Many experienced managers are unsuccessful at managing software programs because they don’t understand the fundamental cause and effect relations of the software development process. They try to directly manage the results, such as cost and schedule, rather than manage the underlying causes. These managers don’t have very much leverage over their projects, because they don’t know the right points to which to take effective corrective actions. Frequently their actions are counterproductive.

PS&J Software Six Sigma's management courses confront this problem head on by teaching our students the basic economics of the software development process. Our students are successful because they learn the cause and effect relationships that control development process, and, ultimately, project performance. They learn how to avoid common pitfalls, collect the right metrics, generate realistic plans, recognize problems early, and exploit the points of maximum leverage in the software development process by taking timely and effective corrective actions. We provide our students with specifics on effectively managing all the key software development sub-processes, helping them strike a balance between an environment with too little structure and one with the high process overheads common in many CMM level 3 organizations.

The effect is to transform our students’ approach to management. The net result is empowerment as their focus shifts from tracking and reporting actuals to managing performance. When effective processes are combined with pro-active management, we frequently see initial estimates that are accurate to 20%, “estimates to go” that are accurate to 5%, and productivity improvements of 20% to 50%.

► Overview ◄
There is a wealth of information on project management. But unfortunately, we have come to realise that only a small fraction applies to software project management. This course is about new practices and new ideas project managers ought to consider to make their software development projects succeed. What makes software development in project management? Why did the traditional approaches to project management used in other industries fail in software endeavours? This course will include a critique of the “thermostat model” of management of WBS (Work Breakdown Structure), Gantt and PERT charts, and much of the common wisdom represented in the PMBOK, for example. We will look at how a new breed of techniques and tools are emerging, more suited to software development, with iterative development and agile methods: XP, Scrum, Lean Development, Adaptive development, RUP, and how to reconcile the new with the old.

"He that will not apply new remedies must expect old evils." (Francis Bacon, Essays, 1561-1626)

► Intended For ◄
Software developers moving into a team leader or project management role. Software project managers who want to move from traditional approaches to agile processes. Software project managers preparing a PMP certification. Experienced project managers with little or no experience in software development.

► Prerequisites ◄
Some practical experience of software development projects.

► Objectives ◄
At the end of the course the participants will have a complete view of the role of a software project manager, and of the multiple activities it entails. They will have a framework to reason about the planning and running of a software project, and some handle on some of the specific techniques applicable to software.

► Content ◄
This course is organised into 12 modules:

Managing software projects

Types of software projects
What makes a software project different and difficult
Software project management and software development process
Introduction to the Rational Unified Process® (RUP) framework
Introduction to Agile techniques
What do software project managers manage?

Managing risks
Defining success and failure
What is a risk?

Taxonomy of software project risks
The project risk list
Introducing iterative development to better manage risks
Risk management in Agile projects

Managing time
Software development lifecycle
Phase and iterations in RUP®
Project estimations, from COCOMO to Use Case points
Phases and iteration planning
Managing time in Agile projects

Managing quality
What is software quality?
It’s relationship with software testing
Process quality and product quality
Reviews and inspections
Assessing quality

Managing objective and scope
The feature/cost/time dilemma
Managing requirements and requirements creep
Earned value systems and burn-down charts
Time boxing

Managing complexity
Software project management and software architecture
The architect and the manager
Project dynamics
Keeping track of decisions and rationale
Programme management and portfolio management

Managing changes
Types of changes
Defects and enhancements
Classification and priorities
Project backlog
Tracking changes

Managing software assets
Software as an asset
Configuration management
Software reuse
Intellectual property issues; licences, patents, open-source.

Managing people
Skills and competencies
Role versus individuals
Team structure, distributed team
Intercultural factors
Hiring, compensating, rewarding, firing, and other HR issues
Software development ethics

Managing external stakeholders
Software acquisition; iterative or progressive acquisition
Outsourcing and offshoring.

Managing the software process
Just the right process
Process implementation project
Roles of an SEPG, and software process improvement
Post-mortem and retrospectives.

Managing software projects: wrap up
Putting it all together
Sources of information

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