Owning a spam blocker has never been more important. The current flood of spam into all of our inboxes grows more frustrating every single day. Spam is such a small word but causes such huge problems for both business and home users. Whether you call it spam, junk mail or unsolicited commercial email (UCE) the end result is the same; an inbox full of useless junk.

Choosing a spam blocker can be confusing for both beginners and advanced computer users. Every day another company release another spam blocking utility. Where do you start? Which one is best for you? The purpose of this site is to educate and inform you as to which spam blocker would suit you most.

You don't think spam is really a problem? Consider this. By 2006 research indicates that the average computer user can expect to receive 5,000 pieces of spam per year. This is a conservative estimate. The real figure is at least 5 times as high. Do you really want to have to sift through 25,000 pieces of junk email? Why not let a spam blocking utility or web based service do the work for you?

Why is there so much spam? Spam exists because Internet users support it by purchasing goods from junk mailers, clicking on the links they send you and providing your email addresses on online forms, in forums and in newsgroups. Spam exists because it is a highly profitable business for those sending out the junk email.

The more positive, affirmative action you take against spammers by deleting, blocking and/or blacklisting them the less spam you will receive. Spam can be defeated.

It doesn't matter what email application you use there's a spam blocker out there to suit your needs regardless of whether you're tied to a desk or travelling the world you can still block spam effectively and quite easily. For those of you on a tight budget there are also plenty of free spam blockers that you can download for personal use.

This site also has tons of information on the history of spam and other spam related articles for your entertainment and reading pleasure.

If you're looking for an immediate solution to your spam problems without doing a lot of research and reading there are 3 products - any one of which will take care of 99% of your spam problems.

If you need a portable spam fighting solution where you won't always have access to a PC then the challenge response based system offered by SpamArrest will suit you perfectly. SpamArrest combines a webmail and spam filtering solution for ease-of-use. This is my current tool of choice for fighting spam as it offers portability but can also be easily integrated with your current email software. This is my current tool of choice for fighting spam.

If you're looking for an affordable and effective spam blocking program that integrates seamlessly with your Outlook or Outlook Express setup then Qurb is the answer. Internationally recognized as a superior solution for stopping spam dead in its tracks Qurb is a great antispam solution.

Mailwasher Pro
If you want to scan your email before it ever arrives on your PC then Mailwasher Pro is the perfect solution for you. Most other spam blockers first have to download the mail to your PC before doing anything. Mailwasher Pro allows you to preview incoming mails and delete or bounce the ones you don't want to receive. Mailwasher Pro is a simple, effective solution to spam that doesn't depend on having Outlook or Outlook Express installed.

A good starting point where you can learn about the basics of spam is the Introduction section. Find out what Spam Blockers are available to you and proceed to read all about them under the Spam Blocker Reviews. Finally, don't forget to visit the articles section and learn about some of the Anti Spam Techniques in use today.


Nice article; to add to it, I've also had good luck with Spambully and spambayes.

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